The Musical Genius Behind Disney’s Kizazi Moto, Amir Hedayah

Egyptian acclaimed author Amir Hedayah is developing music for Disney’s “Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire” series, premiering July 5, 2023. You may recognize his operate in popular productions like Ala Gothety, Dufaat Beirut, and Apocalypse. Hedayah studied theory of music, guitar, and piano at the Musical Conservatory in Alexandria, but his love for music began long before. Raised in a family where music was a way of life, it was love in the beginning tune for him.

Kizazi Moto is an African sci-fi anthology consisting of 10 episodes, each of which is a specific short animated film set in a various African country. This series takes you on a wild ride into Africa’s future. Influenced by the continent’s varied culture and history, these sci-fi-fantasy stories present progressive visions of advanced technology, beasts, spirits, and aliens imagined from African perspectives.

Hedayah credits the Walt Disney Company for contributing to his passion for animation music for as long as he might keep in mind, and he’s more than delighted with the partnership. He describes that his experience on the project was a lovely suggestion of why he chose to enter the industry in the first location. For Hedayah, the most challenging aspect was combining Egyptian credibility, the signature Disney feel, and the sci-fi element all in one consolidated, unified piece.

When asked, what is your preferred structure? Hedayah, “One of the hardest questions in the world, the majority of John Powell’s work has influenced me greatly and brought joy to my soul”. He highlights that the most vital component in a musical score is to be truthful in what you inform through music and to get away from the requirement to impress, show anything, or serve yourself. Stay devoted to serving only the audience and stay real to the purpose of the story. Hedayah draws Inspo from nature, listening to music to increase his emotional vocabulary, and individuals he satisfies along the way.

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