Bringing something various to Instagram’s food scene is Lebanese mom and boy duo who love to take out scrumptious dishes in the kitchen together. Their cooking videos have been generating a lot of buzz all over Instagram especially seeing that it is Chef Popo who takes the lead in making the dishes. During an enjoyable chat with Cybele, the mom and mastermind behind the channel, we got to learn all about the special Mama De Popo food channel.

Everything drew back in 2020, a time when Cybele got to invest a great deal of time in the kitchen area because of corona. That was when she began checking out, testing and examining recipes by online foodies, food bloggers and famous chefs, “a lot of us when we scroll through social media, we ‘d conserve recipes or videos we like but we ‘d get lazy to do them. So I chose to experiment with those dishes that are available online and after that examine them, telling viewers if they really work or not” explained Cybele. That small activity grew into something larger when Cybele saw how her boy likewise liked to cook with her and how from a really young age, he ‘d be in the kitchen, experimenting with food.
What is special about this specific duo is the way chef Popo is a big part of the procedure and gets to choose out dishes for the videos with his mum as well as lead many of the videos. The moment you ‘d see the video, he’s the one talking and making the recipe with Cybele behind the scenes, handing him components and a general assisting hand.
Other recipes proved to be a hit consisting of the chocolate cookies with zaatar, the wonder baklava and the mom’s day hamburger. When it comes to their Arab identity, Cybele told us how most of their dishes are Arab in origin however the main manner in which they are showcasing and empowering their Arab identity is through the Arabic language. In all their videos, Cybele and chef Popo speak Arabic, “the Arabic language is what increases and improves our identity and showcase the significance of Arab culture in whatever we do” stated Cybele.
Along with promoting their Arab culture and identity through the art of food, the mom and kid duo likewise develop these videos in hopes of motivating other moms and their kids to cook together in the cooking area, “it is a fantastic way to enhance connection in between kids and household. It makes all of us happy, the smell of food, the shenanigans and laughs in the kitchen. They are fantastic moments to show our kids.”
The success of their page and their growing variety of fans made Cybele want to grow bigger and so, the two will be introducing a YouTube channel soon to expand their horizons. Beyond that, they have many other surprises in store, “we are presently dealing with brand-new material, the kind that audiences are not utilized to” Cybele shared. Be sure to remain tuned for more amazing content by the adorable cooking duo.